God’s Love in Action: A Message of Hope and Encouragement
Everyone needs someone on their side. We all need someone rooting us on and feeling what we feel—“sympathizing with our weakness” as it says in Scripture. Isn’t it a shame so many people don’t really know how God feels about them and that he looks upon them—and all of us—with profound concern and love? In church this Sunday, we will look to the day’s scripture readings to be reminded of exactly that.
If you’d like a head start, we’ll be considering Isaiah 43:1-7 and Luke 3:15-17 and 21-22. We also anticipate receiving a special word from a member of the congregation. Who? You’ll just have to come by to see (or tune in to the livestream).
Hope to see you all this Sunday!
Curious About Our Church? An Invitation to Learn More
For anyone who was distracted by parade coverage and college football games last Wednesday (New Year’s Day, to remind you if it already seems like a long time ago), allow me to repeat this invitation to participate in an Inquirers’ Class, “coming soon to a church near you.” (And should a long-time member or two want a chance to ask questions, you’re welcome to sign up too!)
At our Congregational Annual Meeting on February 16th , as at other important points in the year ahead, our membership will be asked to vote on important decisions in the life of the church. At the Annual Meeting, there will be votes on leadership for the year and on financial plans and priorities. God is leading the church forward and it will be exciting to his future for the church unfolding as we go.
And so it is time as well to schedule an opportunity for folks who may be newer to our church to find out more about who we are—our history together, our affiliations through the Evangelical Covenant Church, the missions we support and the ministries that are important to us. Pastor Tenglin and I will be leading an Inquirers’ Class series starting soon for anyone interested in pursuing these questions more directly, and perhaps even becoming a member of the church.
It is important that a personal faith in Jesus be exercised and developed through commitment to active participation in his body, the Church. Membership in a local church is one very significant way of exercising such a commitment. While participation in an Inquirers’ Class is required in order to become a member of our church, you don’t have to be pursuing membership at this time to take the class. Everyone will be welcome to participate and bring questions.
The class will likely be spread over a couple Saturday afternoons or evenings in coming weeks—the specifics will be worked out with those interested in being part of it and as we get closer to that time. In the meantime, if you’re interested, please speak with Pastor Bob or myself right away and we’ll put you on the list.
Happy New Year to all,
Interim Pastor Tom (& Cheryl) Ek